
working it

Here are a couple of shots of my oh-so-elaborate setup used to finally take some "stench of decay" shots, for which I've been planning (and saving flowers) for a loooooong time:

plus a couple of results:


. . . . . . . . . robby in the low ground . . . . . . . . .

doing the jollytime hustle in turbo mode today running quick to quaker village to ply thru bb's spent stacks w/ mia & who should recognize me in beard costume but mot! big hug & smile mia in her five dollar white leotard me surprised & happy all three of us lights on the sidewalk like nightjars w/ candles inside. perry's just over there at the car she said & when i looked that way realized instantly that we had seen but not recog'd him already during our multiple parking space search circuits. it was damn good seeing your folks & i told them so saying the truth that it made my day.
just also wanted to say thanks to anyone everyone who has viewed this thing in its short & needy lifespan whether robot cat paw or human hoof i appreciate you taking the time to stop by & smell the bird shite. send me some birthday kinks & let go of your words.